Currently, we are offering a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies.*
Biblical Core (15 Credits)
- New Testament History & Literature (3)
- Old Testament History & Literature (3)
- The Book of Acts (3)
- Romans & Galatians (3)
- Pentateuch (3)
Elective Biblical (21 Credits)
- Pastoral Epistles (3)
- Daniel & Revelation (3)
- Old Testament Major Prophets (3)
- Old Testament Historical Books (3)
- Harmony of the Gospels (3)
- Hebrews & General Epistles (3)
- Johannine Literature (3)
Theology (27 Credits)
- Systematic Theology 1 (3)
- Systematic Theology 2 (3)
- Systematic Theology 3 (3)
- Theology of Discipleship (3)
- Theology of Sanctification (3)
- Theology of Global Missions (3)
- Theology of the Fivefold Ministry (3)
- Theology & Practice of Evangelism (3)
- Theology & Practice of Pentecostal Preaching (3)
Applied Theology (27 Credits)
- Hermeneutics (3)
- Pastoral Ministry (3)
- Pastoral Counseling (3)
- Gifts of the Holy Spirit (3)
- Missionary Life & Principles (3)
- Church Planting (3)
- Church Leadership (3)
- Church Apologetics (3)
- Church Discipleship (3)
General Education (30 Credits)
- English 1 (College Writing) (3)
- English 2 (Research & Writing Methods) (3)
- Conflict Resolution (3)
- Church Administration (3)
- Church History (3)
- History (3)
- Math (3)
- Music (3)
- Philosophy of Education (3)
- Science (3)
- Social Environments & Human Behavior (3)
- Urban Sociology (3)
Academic Program Total:
40 Classes
120 Credits
Practicums (18 Credits)
- Serve in an approved ministry for six trimesters
Internship (9 Credits)
- Complete service in three trimesters of internship
Student Ministry Program Total:
27 Credits (3 Credits Per Trimester)
- Meet with an approved spiritual mentor once a week for a minimum of 30 minutes
- Listen to two sermons per week. One is provided by LMC and the other is chosen by the student
Devotional Life
- One hour each day must be set aside to pray, worship, and read the Bible
Student Life Program Total:
9 Credits (1 Credit Per Trimester)
Academic Program: 120 Credits
Student Ministry Program: 27 Credits
Student Life Program: 9 Credits
TOTAL: 156 Credits

*Classes and programs offered may change, but LMC will provide clear updates to ensure timely graduation.